Glen Dornoch Research Topics

Archaeological survey and testing of sites 38HR475 and 38HR476 recovered diagnostic artifacts, abundant organic remains, and intact cultural features. Specific research topics used to guide subsequent data recovery investigations at these two sites include:

Glen dornoch archaeological block site 2

Accurate Dating of the Middle Woodland Hanover Phase

Using shell and/or charcoal from sealed contexts (features and middens) we attempted to determine the period of deposition for the middens. The artifacts and middens may have accumulated over hundreds of years, or they may have been deposited in a relatively brief span.

Middle Woodland Subsistence Strategies

Preserved organic material (shell, bone, charred plants, and pollen) was identified and analyzed to evaluate Middle Woodland subsistence. This includes seasonality studies to determine if the archaeological remains are from brief seasonal forays or longer term occupations. Also, the same plant and animal remains can be used to reconstruct aspects of the local environment.

Glen Dornoch Archaeological Research hanover pottery

Glen Dornoch Hanover pottery

Hanover Ceramic and Fabric Technology

Hanover Fabric Impressed pottery was common at 38HR475 and 38HR476 and offers two main research avenues. First, the pottery was used to elaborate on ceramic technology (vessel shapes and forms, production techniques). Second, the pottery was examined to elaborate on perishable items not actually found in the Hanover artifact assemblage: textiles.  We expected the analysis of fabric impressed pottery to yield surprising information about this element of Hanover material culture.

Intra-site Variability: Discrete Activity Loci

Glen Dornoch Archaeological Site - MiddenShell middens were the most obvious features of these sites. However, the distribution of middens, bone, pottery, lithic artifacts, plant remains, and other cultural features helped identify various activity areas (living area, stone tool workshop, food preparation area, etc).



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